Have you heard of the law of polarity in relationships? If not, you probably have seen it. Think of a couple you know that has been together for a long time. Who is the feminine one? Who is the masculine one? Now, this doesn’t have anything to do with gender. In fact, it’s often easier to see masculine and feminine traits in couples of the same sex.
Gay couples have a masculine partner and a feminine partner, and so do straight couples. If you know any Gay or Lesbian couples, you can probably tell me which one is more feminine.
This is because the law of polarity in relationships is always working. This category will teach you how to use the law of relationship polarity to find a better long-term partnership.
So you’re hitting it off with a new guy, he seems great – this never happens! You really like him and he seems to like you until… nothing. He seems to stop texting. He doesn’t ask you out on dates as much. Or worse – he cancels dates last minute! So what happened? The answer …